barefoot running

Barefoot Running Away from the Truth?

I was an early adopter of the “barefoot shoe” – At the time I was deeply immersed in the Paleo/Primal lifestyle, and so the concept that we evolved without shoes struck a chord with me. As with other aspects of the Paleo/Primal lifestyle, however, I’ve begun to question much of the theory which underpins the […]

Barefoot Running Away from the Truth? Read More »

Terri filming existing running form from the side

Efficient Running Seminar with Teri from Pure Running hosted by Primal Fitness

Yesterday I went along to a running seminar conducted by Teri Knight from Pure-Running hosted by Primal Fitness in Manchester. Unfortunately I was not able to participate myself as planned, due to still having the cast on my leg thanks to my broken foot! Despite this, it was still a great experience to be able

Efficient Running Seminar with Teri from Pure Running hosted by Primal Fitness Read More »

Picture of Zoo Human sat at Desk

Why your back hurts, and how to fix it – Part I

This is an old post – for a more up to date article on back pain/chronic pain please check out this post here. Why is it that over 80% of people will suffer from some form of back pain during their lives?  Is it some kind of fundamental flaw in human physiology? Is it some evolutionary trade

Why your back hurts, and how to fix it – Part I Read More »

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