
Modern Foraging in the Urban Jungle

Modern Foraging – How to spot poisonous items in the urban jungle!

Over millions of years, humans developed the ability to identify which foods were nourishing, and which foods would quickly make them sick, using a combination of sight, touch, smell and taste, coupled with knowledge passed down through the generations. Unfortunately, in our modern society, these skills have largely been lost, and if your average person […]

Modern Foraging – How to spot poisonous items in the urban jungle! Read More »

Double Espresso - Breakfast of Champions

Hungry for Success? Lose fat: Fast!

For many years I was a fervent believer in the mainstream fitness mantras of: 1) Always Eat Breakfast 2) Eat multiple meals per day at frequent intervals The theory being that if you skip meals, your metabolism drops and you’ll gain weight/you’ll get too hungry, crack, and eat a whole box of doughnuts. Unfortunately, as

Hungry for Success? Lose fat: Fast! Read More »

Juicy Rib Eye Steak

Building Caveman Brawn

Without doubt, a paleo-ish diet is unrivalled when it comes to shedding body fat and improving health. I often get asked, however, whether this way of eating can be followed if your aim is to gain weight? The answer is a resounding yes! A paleoish diet is excellent for building muscle for several reasons: It

Building Caveman Brawn Read More »

Glass of Beer

Diet Debates: Can moderate alcohol consumption be good for you? (Part 2)

In the first part of this post, I looked at alcohol consumption in general, and how moderate drinking might affect long term health and longevity. After looking at the research, it certainly seems clear that some moderate alcohol consumption (up to 2 glasses per day), will certainly not impair your health – On the contrary,

Diet Debates: Can moderate alcohol consumption be good for you? (Part 2) Read More »

Picture of Red Wine Glass

Diet Debates: Is moderate alcohol consumption good for health? (Part 1)

One of the questions I get asked the most frequently is whether alcohol consumption is compatible with healthy living, and if so, what types are best, and how much is acceptable? Is red wine the ultimate tipple, or can can grain based fermented beverages (aka beer) play a role? Although alcohol is often demonised within

Diet Debates: Is moderate alcohol consumption good for health? (Part 1) Read More »

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